Can You Pass the Spine Care Test?
Your spine works hard to support you every day, but how much do you support it?
Take this fun quiz to find out if you’re a spinal care champion or if your spine might be whispering for help.
Let’s get started! 
Question 1: How long is it safe to sit at a desk without moving?
- 8 hours, as long as your chair is ergonomic supporting your spine
- 2 hours, with a few quick stretches in between
- 30 minutes, before getting up to move around
- Until tour back starts to hurt
Answer: 3) 30 minutes
Sitting for extended periods compresses the spine and can lead to stiffness or discomfort. Experts recommend getting up to stretch or walk every 30 minutes to promote circulation and maintain spinal alignment.
Question 2: Crossing your legs while sitting. Harmless habit or harmful to your spine?
- Harmless. It’s comfortable and fine for short periods
- Harmful. It twists your pelvis and can lead to misalignment
- Neither. Your posture resets naturally over time
- Necessary. It’s how everyone sits
Answer: 2) Harmful
While it may feel natural, crossing your legs creates imbalance in the hips and lower back, potentially affecting the spinal alignment over time. To avoid this, aim to sit with both feet flat on the floor.
Question 3: What’s the most common posture mistake people make while texting or using their phones?
- Holding their phone too far away
- Leaning back in their chair
- Tilting their head forward, putting strain on the neck
- Texting for too long without blinking
Answer: 3) Tilting their head forward, putting strain on the neck
This phenomenon, often called “text neck,” increases the pressure on your neck / spine and can lead to pain or long-term alignment issues. Hold your device at eye level to reduce unnecessary strain.
Question 4: Why does your spine care about how much water you drink?
- It doesn’t. Hydration is only for muscles
- Water keeps the cushioning in your spinal discs healthy.
- Hydration just prevents cramps, not spine issues
- Your spine only needs hydration if you’re exercising
Answer: 2) Water keeps the cushioning in your spinal discs healthy.
The discs between your bones act as shock absorbers, and they need water to stay flexible and strong. Dehydration can lead to disc degeneration and increase the risk of back pain. Drinking plenty of water daily is essential for spinal health.
Question 5: If you often carry a bag, what’s the best way to protect your spine?
- Always carry it on one shoulder for convenience
- Use a heavy, bulky bag that distributes weight evenly
- Switch shoulders frequently or opt for a backpack with two straps
- Carry your bag on one side and leave it there for a day
Answer: 3) Switch shoulders frequently or opt for a backpack with two straps
Carrying a bag on one shoulder consistently can lead to misalignment and strain on your spine. A backpack or alternating sides helps distribute the weight evenly and reduces stress on your bag.
How Did You Do?
- 5/5 Correct: Spine Care Expert
You have great habits in place to protect your spine! Keep up the excellent work.
- 3-4 Correct: Spinal Health Advocate
You’re on the right track! A few small adjustments can make a big difference.
- 2 or Fewer Correct: Spinal Health Beginner
It’s time to start paying more attention to your spine. Consider making a few changes to improve your posture and daily habits.
Your spine supports everything you do, so it’s essential to give the care it deserves.
Book an appointment today and start your journey toward a healthier spine!
Want to book a consultation with Jess?
Written By Jessica Tan