Can You Pass the Spine Care Test?

Can You Pass the Spine Care Test?

Can You Pass the Spine Care Test? Your spine works hard to support you every day, but how much do you support it? Take this fun quiz to find out if you’re a spinal care champion or if your spine might be whispering for help. Let’s get started! Question 1: How...
Cold Weather and Joint Pain

Cold Weather and Joint Pain

Cold Weather and Joint Pain Ever noticed more joint pain when the weather turns chilly? If so you’re not alone, many people experience an increase in joint pain and stiffness. There are physiological reasons behind why colder weather might exacerbate discomfort in...
Best Sleeping Position for Lower Back Pain

Best Sleeping Position for Lower Back Pain

Best Sleeping Position for Lower Back Pain What’s the best sleeping position for lower back pain? Well first, as I say to most of these questions: Everyone’s unique, but these guidelines work for most people. So this is a great place to start. 1. Firstly, do...