Caroline Searchfield

Tai Chi Qigong

for Beginners

Mindful, Moving Meditation

Tuesday 11.00am-12.00pm

To book a class with Caroline contact her or go to the link below

Tai Chi Qigong for Beginners

Mindful, Moving Meditation

Qigong (pronounced Chee gung) is a type of gentle exercise which originated in China and has been practised for thousands of years.

Gentle movements are done repeatedly in a flowing sequence bringing together mind, body and breath.  The movements are simple and easy to follow which makes the practice available to most people.  They can be done standing or seated or a combination of the two.

The practise of qigong becomes a mindful, moving meditation as we focus on the movement and our breathing and let go of thoughts and worries.  Practising mindfulness helps us to be more accepting and kinder to ourselves and others.  It helps us to lower our stress levels and be more connected to who we want to be.

Practicing Qigong has been shown to have many health benefits including relaxing the mind and body, improving posture and balance, improving breathing and circulation, strengthening the joints and muscles, and improving energy levels and well being. Because it can help to reduce stress it can help with many health conditions that are worsened by stress.

It would be great if you could join me to learn and practise this really enjoyable moving meditation.  No equipment is needed, just wear comfortable clothing.  We usually practice in bare feet or non-slip socks. To further enhance the stress relieving aspect of the class I end the session with a short guided meditation for which you can sit or lie down. The studio has mats and blankets that we can use.  If you prefer to bring your own that is also fine.

About me

I am a qualified instructor of Qigong for Health and have been practising Tai Chi Qigong for 8 years. I trained with the Shiatsu College, London and have furthered my training mostly with the Flowing Zen School of Qigong.

I have a keen interest in health, well being and exercise and have taught on these subjects for the NHS and in adult education.

I have practised seated meditation for many years but when I was suddenly under a lot of stress I found it hard to do. Luckily I discovered qigong. Moving my body whilst focusing on the movements and my breath, relaxed my mind and gave me a real break.

It was like meditation in motion, giving me a sense of peace, a chance to reconnect with myself.

I am really keen to help others discover the fantastic benefits of Qigong. It is such an easy, accessible and effective practice which has a whole range of benefits, physical, mental and emotional . 

 It can be learnt quickly and practised for various lengths of time, with no equipment, at home alone or in a group with others. It can be used for relaxation and stress relief but also for strength, flexibility and balance.

Take a look at my website for more information and feel free to contact me by phone, text or email to book in and / or with any questions about the class. I will be happy to hear from you.

My phone number is  07425 329916




If you want to bring your own , mats will be provided for


That allow you to twist, bend and stretch comfortably


Always keep hydrated during your sessions